Would you choose an airline based on Wi-Fi availability?

Posted on 9:00 PM by
A recent article in The New York Times reports on the increasing number of airlines that are adding Internet access on flights for a fee:
Every major airline except Continental, which has been coy about its plans for possible Wi-Fi or for installing satellite television on its planes, has announced plans to install Wi-Fi. And smaller competitors like AirTran and Virgin America already have their fleets wired.

But the question remains, Will passengers pay up to $12.95 for an Internet connection? We all know that travelers hate being nickel-and-dimed.

A survey released commissioned by Wakefield Research indicates that "yes" travelers will pay. The survey polled 480 frequent business travelers, including 150 who have used in-flight Wi-Fi, from Aug. 11 to Aug. 18, according to the Times. About three quarters (76 percent) said they would choose an airline based on Wi-Fi availability. More than half (55 percent) said they would shift a flight by one day to get on a plane with a Wi-Fi connection. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.47 percentage points.
Would you choose an airline or a flight based on Wi-Fi availability?


Matt said...

No. In coach, there is not enough room to even open my laptop so WiFi is not usable. In Business there is, but chances are I used miles to get into coach (when I fly United), so chaging airlines is not possible since all my miles are on one airline. Also, are any airlines offering wifi on transatlantic or transpacific flights? Those are the only ones I am likely to upgrade on.

Lorraine said...

Yes, if I was traveling without my kids and if the flight was 3+ hours. However, one perk of a flight is being unconnected for awhile, and cracking open a book or magazine (or US Weekly!). So I guess it also depends on if the flight is for business or leisure.

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