Always book when you find a deal

Posted on 4:36 PM by
My father was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. How did he deal with the news? Well, he has changed his diet dramatically but he also decided to take the entire family to London around the holidays. He rented a house near Piccadilly Circus, and now he has put me on booking plane tickets for everyone.

The No. 1 rule when booking in December is buy early for the best deals. And so about two weeks ago, I couldn't sleep one night and I found myself searching Kayak,, Travelocity, and all the popular sites for flights between San Francisco and London.

Around 3 a.m. an airfare for $498 RT popped up on Virgin Airlines. Woah! This was cheap. Everything I had found up until then was between $800 to $1,000.

Was I simply tired and not seeing straight, or was this hot deal for real?

I'll never know because I didn't book the flight and when I finally got my dad's credit card a few days later the rates had gone up dramatically: $700 to $800. Darn!

This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Often when I first start to browse for airfares for a trip I come across unbelievable deals. My new rule is that when I find them I book them.


Jojen said...

December would be one of the hardest part to book a flight because of the holiday season. We've been to Thailand for the Holiday, and 2 weeks before the christmas we flew.

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Randy said...

You're right, I ignored my own advice and dawdled in booking an upcoming cruise and it cost us an extra $150.

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