Packing: men vs. women

Posted on 9:50 PM by
I start packing for a trip a week ahead. It's my way of making sure I don't forget anything. I put an open suitcase in a corner of my bedroom and whenever I think of something to bring—a swimsuit, guidebook, umbrella—I toss it in. And that's how I packed for our family's New York vacation. By 10 p.m. after my kids were long in bed, my suitcase was zipped. I had also stuffed my kids' suitcase, loaded the dishwasher, and watered the house plants. I was ready for bed—especially since we were rising at five the next morning to catch a plane.

Anthony, my husband, was just starting to pack at 10 p.m.—and this made me furious.

"Do you think I need to bring a pair of khakis?" he asked me.

I ignored him.

"Where's my swimsuit? Is it okay if I bring four pairs of shoes?"

Finally, I responded. "Why do you always have to leave packing until the last minute? You should have started this days ago! I want to go to bed!"

Luckily, Anthony is a laid-back, understanding guy who knows how to deal with my sometimes bossy, impatient nature. Rather than yelling back, he gave me a big hug. "Amy, lighten up!"

I retreated to the bedroom to read Eat, Pray, Love. Thirty minutes later Anthony comes in. "I have to drive into the office. I forgot something that I need to bring on the trip."

Why does the night before a vacation always have to be so stressful?


Anonymous said...


Tamra K. said...

Sorry about the previous "anonymous" comment, my 4 year old thought it would be funny to type in some letters and luckily hit the "Publish" tab. Anyway, I found you commentary on the packing men vs. women topic so funny.
Not that this is an indication of how all men pack, but in our house not only does my husband wait until the last minute to pack at home, but before we head home from our trip as well. There has not been a trip where he has not left behind something in our hotel room-- a belt, toothbrush, socks, one shoe, etc. It is now a running joke.

And don't even get me started on which one of us always has to pack for the kids....I can't imagine what the kids would end up with taking on a trip if he packed for them! He packed to take them to swimming lessons once and forgot my son's swim suit!!!