Day 14: St. Louis to Chicago

Posted on 8:54 PM by

Breakfast: free at hotel
Lunch, Ariston Cafe, Litchfield, Ill.: $23.20
Gas: $46.58
Dinner, Launching Pad, Willmington, Ill.: $11.93
Hotel: $135
Rental car: $50
American Girl doll allotment: $8
Total expenses: $274.71

Miles: 350
Number of stops: 4
Hours: 8

Photo of the day: The 28-foot-tall Gemini Giant guards the Launching Pad restaurant in Willmington, Ill.

Quote of the day: “I don’t want to drive Route 66 to Chicago because I think it takes longer."

High point of the day: Driving into Chicago at dusk and spotting the Sears Tower.

Low point of the day: Realizing that the prices in Chicago are higher than those in Missouri.