Day 15: Chicago (the final day)

Posted on 7:09 AM by

Breakfast: free at hotel
American Girl doll, Julie Allbright: $115.76 (plus $112 we saved during our trip)
Lunch, American Girl Cafe, Chicago: $67.26
Bus fare: $3
Dinner, Giordano's, deep-dish pizza Chicago: $71.17
(Thanks to our friend Nancy Robb, who sent us $40, we ordered a bottle of wine!)
Hotel: $135
Gas: $42
Rental car: $50
Sub total: $442.19
Less $40 from Nancy Robb
Less $112 (saved during trip to pay for American Girl)
Total expenses: $332.19

Miles: none

Photograph of the day: Paris and her new doll, Julie Allbright, dining at the American Girl Cafe in Chicago.

Quote of the day: "When do I get another American Girl doll?" Paris asks, only a few hours after I bought her Julie Allbright.

Low point of the day: We lose Julie Allbright's purple crochet hat and retrace our steps. We go back to Banana Republic—no hat! We check the lost and found at Navy Pier—no hat! Paris is crying at this point.

High point of the day: We decide to walk all the way back to the American Girl store because Paris thinks she left the hat at the café. Guess what? They have it. "Hipee! Skipee!" Paris says.


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