Mediocre Music Makers, Erick, Okla.

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No doubt, the most memorable part of our road trip is our time spent with the Mediocre Music Makers, Harley and Annabelle Russell, in Erick, Oklahoma. In a former Meat Market, now known as Sandhills Curiosity shop, the Russells entertain Route 66 travelers from all over the world with songs, dance, and cold beers. Sporting red-and-white striped bib tops, which they refer to as their redneck tuxedos, Harley and Annabelle put on a crazy and zany show. "We offer visitors that bit of authentic American culture they're looking for on the route," Harley says.

In this video, the Russells share their version of Bobby Troup's "Get Your Kicks on Route 66."


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy

Just wanted to drop you a line and give you some cool places to see with kids in Illinois!!

South to North are, The Chain of rocks Bridge , the only bridge that has a turn in it. located over the Mississippi on the state line. Hamel Ill, the neon church is a cool picture stop, its better at night at RT 66 and Rt 157 appx. Staughton Ill Henry,s Rabbit Ranch. You get to see Ill's version of the Caddy Ranch. A couple of cool Raggit cars a cool photo shoot and of course real rabbits to pet. See Montana who is currently running for president. Tell Henry Bob K from Rt 66 assoc. sent Ya. Girard Ill you havr to show the kids what a real drug store usted to be. It has a cool real soda jerk and the best ice cream you'll find anywhere. Located on the square in Girard. See one of three giants in Illinois in Jerome Ill on 66 at Southwest tire in town. Springfield, Ill stop by the state capitol and Cozy dob it,s the best dog on a stick anywhere. The New Lincoln Musuem is good too near the capitol Bld. Also Giant number two at the fair grounds. Then Bill Sjea's garage on 66 north side of Springfield anything associated with cars on old 66. In Broadwell you havre to stop by and see Earnie and Frances he always has a story to tell . The old Pig hip burned a few years ago but the stroies go on forever. Pottsville is next, the Pottsville court is a nice place to show the kids who it was done in the old days. In Atlanta se another of Ill's Giants downtown and show the kids one on the oldest still open Library's in the state. Funks Grove Ill you can still see Funks Grove Maple Sirup, maple sirup made the old way, you can even buy some to take with you. Towanda,Ill Memory Lane is a nice stroll down a piece of origional 66, with nice sign post to inform you of other sights. Pontiac, Ill is a must stop Our famous Museum is there. We have displays from all over the state. Pontiac is also famous for there swig bridges, stop and see one of these marvels. The next would have to be Odel, Ill for the Amoco Gas Station and see how cars were worked on back then. It's also the the register of historic places. Gardner ,Ill is a cool place to let the kids see an old 2 cell jail and take a few pics. The Rivera restaurant Braceville is a mile or two away. One of Al Capones old hangouts. While there stop by the washroom for a look at the Thrones. The place Is unique and so are Peg and Bob. In Braidwood,Ill stop by the Polks Dot. Cool ice cream is good for the kids. The Place has plenty of neat stuff to see on the walls and the bathrooms are unique too. Wilmington,ILl has anouther giant at the Launching Pad, and good ice cream and eats too. Comming into Joliet you go by The Chicago Land Speedway, you have to see the old train station, the Rialto theater ( a must see) it's spectatular what they did to the old place. There is also a 66 Museum in town as well. You can also see Gemini Giant at the Jackhammers Station near the train station. Wow dont forget to stop by Kicks on 66 to see the old converted Dairy Queen. Lot of thigs left to see before Chicago but when there you have to Stop at Luo Mitchels and See the last restaurant on 66. Not on 66 but a must see in Chicago is Navy Pier and the Kids Museum, Millenium Park and soo much more. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed your journey. It's so hard to hit it all in one trip ,I've done it a few times and can't even say I've seen it all. Thanks Bob Killackey Rt 66 fan.