Red eye flights and kids: Good or bad idea?

Posted on 9:16 PM by
"Do you think taking a red eye with a 6-year-old is a good idea?" a lady asked me in the security line at San Francisco airport. She was helping a young boy lift his little rolling suitcase into the baggage screener.

"I'm taking my grandson on a flight to Washington, D.C., tonight and when I told all my friends they said I was crazy."

I also had young kids -- my 5-year-old son and 7 year old daughter -- in tow, and so I think she was looking for reassurance that she wasn't crazy.

I told her that red eyes are the best way to go with kids.

You keep them up past their bed time so they're especially tired and then as soon as they get onto the plane they flop down into their seat and fall fast asleep. If you're on a shorter 5-hour flight, they don't get as much sleep as they need, but typically they can make up for the lost hours by taking a nap or going to bed early. On longer 10-hour flights, my kids will typically sleep for eight or nine hours.

The lady looked relieved.

Do you ever take red eyes with your kids? Have they been successful?


The Coys said...

I have only taken one red-eye flight with my son a few years ago, when he was 3. It went very well. The only difficult thing was the next day - but we both seemed tired enough to just sleep a lot and slowly get back onto the east coast time.

Now that I think about it, I should do it again!

Randy @thelollipoproad said...

Done it several times and the kids fare much better than the adults!

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The Lavatory Lady said...

Thank you so much for this post...we're doing our first cross country with all 3 kids and I wasn't sure if the red-eye was a good idea or not. In theory it seemed right; but I've been burned by that before!

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