Preserving Vacation Memories, Mason-Jar Style

Posted on 9:01 AM by

Did a summer's worth of travel leave your house littered with small piles of treasures, scavenged by the kiddos - a small bucket of shells from this beach, ten speckled rocks from that one, maybe a rustling bag of dried leaves from a family hike? I'm always hesitant to toss these carefully-collected souvenirs, but know that, abandoned in a corner, their importance will have faded by November, and their origins will be forgotten by the spring. 

...Easy-peasy craft project to the rescue! Local Fun For Kids, a great Philly-based blog, posted the perfect post-vacation project: with a few mason jars, you can keep your vacation memories lined up on a shelf, easily accessible for some mid-winter reminiscing. Click for the instructions (and I think I would stick a label on each jar, too). 

Do you have another clever way of preserving found vacation-treasures like shells and dried flowers? I'd love to hear it!