Seattle family travel rule No. 9: Listen to the lion's roar at the Woodland Park Zoo

Posted on 5:01 PM by
We actually heard this lion roar at the Woodland Park Zoo. He opened his mouth really wide and let out a loud call. I could practically see my son's knees shaking. 

This zoological garden is home to over 1,100 animals from tiny insects to the largest land mammal on the planet, the African elephant. In the tropical rainforest we saw toucans showing off their pretty feathers and big beaks, and in the arctic area penguins marched across faux snow. The animals living accommodations are spacious and clean and the grounds are pretty and wooded. Lots of trees and grass. My son said, "Mom, I'd like to live here" and then he heard the lion roar. I think he might have changed his mind.  

It's a quick 10-minute drive from Seattle Center to the zoo. We drove a rental car but you can also hop on a bus.