Seattle family travel rule No. 10: See loads of airplanes at the museum of flight

Posted on 9:23 PM by
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a 2-month old baby taking to the skies at the Museum of Flight.
Before going to the airport and catching a plane back to San Francisco, we stopped at the Seattle Museum of Flight. Located at Boeing Field, the museum that's home to one of the largest collection of airplanes in the world is on the way to the airport.

Brightly colored airplanes hang like toys from the ceiling of the museum. Each plane has its own story. There are planes that have flown in wars and those that have performed in air shows. A replica of the Wright Brother's 1903 Flyer is on display. There's also a Blue Angel. And one of the museum's most recent acquisitions is a Concorde, the world's fastest jetliner.