Seattle family travel rule No. 6: Visit the Space Needle at the right time

Posted on 4:34 PM by
We arrived in Seattle on Friday night and after dinner we decided to visit the top of the Space Needle. With our CityPASSes in hand, we walked right into an elevator and in 41 seconds we shot to the top of the city's world-famous icon, originally built for the 1962 World's Fair.

Even on an overcast night, the view was breathtaking and resembled something out of a Batman movie, with twinkling skyscrapers giving the fog a yellow glow.

The experience was particularly special because my father was at the World's Fair. "See that football field down below," my father said. "For the World's Fair that was a lake and they had a water ski show."We circled our way around the viewing deck, only a few other lone tourists among us, as my dad pointed out attractions from the fair. We could see the Pacific Science Museum below and he remembered an exhibit featuring appliances of the future: a microwave, refrigerator...

We all fell in love with the Space Needle that night and on Saturday afternoon my 9-year-old son announced that he wanted to visit the top again at sunset. We all liked the idea. Since the fog had cleared, we figured the view would be even more spectacular and we'd get a look at the surrounding mountains.

We arrived at the Space Needle at 7 p.m. as the sun was sinking toward Puget Sound, but this time we didn't walk right up to the elevator. Instead we waited in a line that snaked around the base for an hour.

When we arrived at the top, the sky was nearly dark except for a swath of pink washed across it, the last remainder of a sunset we missed. The viewing deck was packed and we had to fight for a spot to take in Seattle's twinkling lights. No matter, my kids were thrilled to be at the top of the Space Needle once again and we took these gorgeous photos.

What I learned:

If you don't want to wait in along line for the Space Needle go in the early morning between 9 and 10 a.m. or late at night, after 9 p.m.

If you want to catch the sunset from the Space Needle, get in line at least an hour and a half before the sun sets and prepare to wait in line.