Seattle family travel rule No. 8: Get eye-to-eye with Olive Oil the Octopus at the Seattle Aquarium

Posted on 10:30 AM by

On a perfectly clear Saturday afternoon, we arrived at the Seattle Aquarium at about 3:55 p.m.—just in time for the 4 p.m. octopus feeding, which I'm pretty certain is the coolest thing at the aquarium. My kids made their way through the crowd and got a seat in front and they stared wide-eyed and amazed through the entire presentation. The octopus is named Olive Oil and she's fed twice a day at noon and 4 p.m. If you're going to the aquarium, plan your visit around this. Most of the day, Olive Oil is curled up in a big ball but she spreads her tentacles and swims around during the feeding.