Donuts and fuel-efficient rental cars

Posted on 8:38 PM by
My No. 1 tip for renting a car: Bring Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.

Before picking up our rental car at Avis this morning, the kids and I grabbed a dozen glazed for breakfast. We had a few leftover (thank goodness we have some self-control in our family) and I offered one to the associate at the rental car counter. I figured a donut might break the ice before I started negotiating.

My second most important tip: Rent a fuel-efficient vehicle.

Our family car is a Volkswagen station wagon that gets 22 miles to the gallon on the freeway. This mileage is decent but for a long road trip I wanted something more efficient. I decided to rent a small economy car. At the Avis counter, I realized this is actually difficult to do.

"How about an SUV? I can offer you a Ford Escape. That might work well for a family of four," said our friendly Avis associate Linda Corsinotti (pictured above).

"No! We need the most fuel-efficient car available," I explained. "We're driving Route 66 all the way to Chicago. We're on a tight budget. We can't waste any money on gas."

"How about a Toyota RAV4?"

"No, too big. Got anything smaller? What about a hybrid, like a Toyota Prius?"

"We don't have any small cars in the lot right now. Something might come in later."

"Okay, we'll wait," I said.

So we stood around for 10 minutes and finished off our donuts.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! I've got a Ford Focus!" Linda called over to us. "It just came in."

"We'll take it."

So we rented a Ford Focus (pictured below). We'll save $200 on gas by taking this more environmentally friendly car that gets 35 miles to the gallon, rather than our wagon. That'll buy us nearly 300 donuts.


Anonymous said...

Great story Amy. The market will respond to demand and fuel efficient cars will be easier to rent--but, in the meantime, be patient and enjoy the donuts.