Day 12: Springfield to St. Louis

Posted on 8:21 PM by

Breakfast: free at hotel
Gas: $42.17
Lunch, Main Street Bakery, Cuba, Mo.: $29.83
Dinner: Free!
Hotel: $65
Rental car: $50
American Girl Doll allotment: $8
Total expenses: $195

Miles: 260
Number of stops: 2
Hours: 5

Photograph of the day: The St. Louis Gateway Arch designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in 1965.

Quote of the day: “I have so many things in my mind,” Paris says. “I need to say something so stop talking and listen to me. I don’t know which American Girl doll to get when we get to Chicago. There are too many choices. I want all the dolls. Also, you need to tell me what’s in Chicago so I can think about what I’m going to do there. I know that we’re going to American Girl but what else are we doing there? Are you listening to me? What’s in Chicago?”

Low point of the day: We take a wrong turn and miss the world’s largest rocking chair in Fanning, Mo.

High point of the day: We meet grandma and grandpa in St. Louis. Yeah! Free food! They treat us to a fabulous dinner at Landry’s, housed in the former train station. I order salmon—my first omega-3s in two weeks. We also share a gigantic chocolate brownie sundae.


Susan said...

Thought you'd be interested in this short omega-3 video:

Anonymous said...

Dante and Paris must have wonderful grandparents to meet you in St. Louis--hope they gave you a night out alone--

Carolyn Hasenfratz said...

Following is a url to a photo of the Rocking chair in Fanning.

I'm glad you got to see Lafayette Square while you were in St. Louis, it's really something isn't it? The house tour they have every year in June is awesome.