Breakfast: free at hotel
Soda at Jack Rabbit: $1.50
Postcards and rocks for kids collection: $1.75
Lunch at El Rancho Hotel in Gallup, N.M.: $28.50
Dinner at Sadie's in Albuquerque: $38.88
Gas: $35.65 (only $3.93 a gallon in Laguna, N.M.—yippee!)
Hotel: $69
Rental car: $50
American girl doll allotment: $8
Total expenses: $233.28
Miles: 400
Number of stops: 4
Hours: 7
Photograph of the day: Paris and Dante at the Jack Rabbit Trading Post
High point of the day: Singing songs in the car together as a family: "I've Been Working on the Railroad," "Do Your Ears Hang Low," and "ABCs." (We need to learn some new songs!)
Low point of the day: Learning that the restaurant where we wanted to eat in Albuquerque, the Durand Central Pharmacy, was closed for dinner. We should have called ahead!
Quote of the day: "Mommy, you said people would be galloping in Gallup, New Mexico," Paris says. "I think you were lying because I don't see anyone galloping here."
Don't teach your kids "A 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" because it will drive you nuts!
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