Hula-hooping in downtown Tulsa

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Stop every two hours—that’s my No. 1 tip when road tripping with kids. Pull off at a rest stop for a game of tag, park in a small town to grab an ice cream cone, track down an elementary school with a jungle gym—this is the key to keeping children sane in the car. Out in the middle of nothingness? Play a game of "monkey chase the weasel" around the car.

I always pack a few basic toys in the trunk to make our stops more fun. On this trip, we brought a ball, Hula hoop, and jump rope. When we were driving through downtown Tulsa and Paris screamed "Get me out of the car right now!" we pulled over and she swung a Hula hoop around her hips (pictured). In a field of grass in Missouri, the kids got creative with a jump rope. Paris tied the rope around Dante’s belt loop and walked him around like a puppy dog. Does your family take time to stop on long road trips? What are your tricks and tips?


Bruce Telfeyan said...

Do you have any advice for traveling with two Westies? I'm concerned how, in hot summer weather of the way to take bathroom breaks (for me) while leaving the dogs in the hot car. If I leave the windows open, they could be harmed or stolen.
